We are celebrating our 50th anniversary with targeted campaigns for the environment, people and nature! We are therefore pleased to announce that, in addition to our PLANT! campaign, we have launched an initiative with the WHO Foundation to help children in emergencies in need of critical care. This is not just about raising money, but also about raising awareness of how many people around the world need our help.

The aim is to raise €50,000 to provide 1000 children in emergencies with paediatric kits.                                      

These kits contain essential medicines and supplies to treat childhood illnesses and injuries. Just €500 can help 10 children. 


                                                         Support 1000 Children in Need 


Sadly, not everyone in the world has the standard of living that many of us are used to. Millions of children suffer from hunger, disease and other life-threatening conditions. Vital medicines and health services can mean the difference between life and death. By 2024, more than 166 million people who require humanatarian assistance in emergencies will be in need of direct health care. The WHO works with local partners in 150 countries to provide essential supplies to hospitals and clinics.


How you can help:

  • Donate - Every donation counts! Large or small, every donation helps us reach our goal.
  • Share - Help us spread the word about our fundraising campaign by sharing it with your networks.


For more information and to donate, please visit our donations page. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of those who need our help the most.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you to make a difference.